The Third Party Plenum, China's Economic Trajectory and What it Means for Australia - Hosted by the AIIA Queensland

Join us in-person or online with Dr. Scott Waldron from the University of Queensland, who will speak on the upcoming third plenum session and the ways that it will shape China's economic future for years to come.

๐Ÿ“ If you are attending in-person, please arrive at Holding Redlich at 5.30pm for registration and drinks.

๐Ÿ’ปIf you are attending online, you will receive a follow-up confirmation email on the day containing further details on how to join the webinar.

๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ AIIA QLD members are entitled to free in-person entry. The price for other tickets can be found after clicking the 'register' button.

๐Ÿ“ท Please note that you may be photographed or filmed for public consumption.

๐Ÿ›ˆ If you arrive after 6:00pm, the lifts may not be accessible. Ring 0481 522 665 for assistance.

The third plenum session of the Central Committee of the CCP, traditionally used to announce major economic reforms, is due to be held in July 2024. This talk will assess the policies announced at the plenum, and the course it sets for China's economy. Will China seek to rebalance the economy from an investment-driven economy to a consumption-driven economy? How does the Xi regime trade off the objectives of economic growth and self-reliance? What are the objectives of China's industry policy? And what do developments in the domestic economy mean for imports, exports and Australia?


Presentation by Dr. Scott Waldron
  • Dr. Scott Waldron (Reader at The University of Queensland)

    Dr. Scott Waldron

    Reader at The University of Queensland

    Dr. Scott Waldron has since 1997 conducted 15 collaborative research and development projects to assist China develop its rural industries and promote Sino-Australian trade. In recent years, his work has been concerned with China’s barriers on Australian imports, China’s economic development model and Sino-Australian relations. Scott coordinates the course Understanding China at The University of Queensland and conducts training for the Australian Public Service on China’s economy. He has published eight books on China and numerous articles including in China Quarterly, The China Journal, China Briefing and The China Story. Scott has undergraduate degrees in Asian Studies, a PhD in agricultural economics and graduated from the Naning-Hopkins Centre for Advanced Chinese and American Studies, where he wrote a thesis in Chinese.

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Online and In-person Questions from the Audience
Dr. Scott Waldron
  • Dr. Scott Waldron (Reader at The University of Queensland)

    Dr. Scott Waldron

    Reader at The University of Queensland

    Dr. Scott Waldron has since 1997 conducted 15 collaborative research and development projects to assist China develop its rural industries and promote Sino-Australian trade. In recent years, his work has been concerned with China’s barriers on Australian imports, China’s economic development model and Sino-Australian relations. Scott coordinates the course Understanding China at The University of Queensland and conducts training for the Australian Public Service on China’s economy. He has published eight books on China and numerous articles including in China Quarterly, The China Journal, China Briefing and The China Story. Scott has undergraduate degrees in Asian Studies, a PhD in agricultural economics and graduated from the Naning-Hopkins Centre for Advanced Chinese and American Studies, where he wrote a thesis in Chinese.

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Holding Redlich
Level 1, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, 4000
Brisbane, Queensland

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